Sinhala Dictionary definitions for vicious
vicious 🔊 /vɪˈʃʌs/
vicious : දුෂ්ට
vicious : නපුරු
vicious : සාවද්ය
vicious : කුරිරු
vicious definition
- Characterized by vice or defects; defective; faulty; imperfect.
- Addicted to vice; corrupt in principles or conduct; depraved; wicked; as, vicious children; vicious examples; vicious conduct.
- Wanting purity; foul; bad; noxious; as, vicious air, water, etc.
- Not correct or pure; corrupt; as, vicious language; vicious idioms.
- Not well tamed or broken; given to bad tricks; unruly; refractory; as, a vicious horse.
- Bitter; spiteful; malignant.