
Sinhala Dictionary definitions for snub

snub 🔊 /snʌˈb/

snub : ඇනුම්පදය

snub : නාසය කොට

snub : ඇනුම්පද කියනවා

snub definition

Intransitive verb. To sob with convulsions.

Transitive verb.

  1. To clip or break off the end of; to check or stunt the growth of; to nop.
  2. To check, stop, or rebuke, with a tart, sarcastic reply or remark; to reprimand; to check.
  3. To treat with contempt or neglect, as a forward or pretentious person; to slight designedly.


  1. A knot; a protuberance; a song.
  2. A check or rebuke; an intended slight.