
Sinhala Dictionary definitions for lobe

lobe 🔊 /lowˈb/

lobe : කැමිය

lobe : ඛණ්ඩිකාව

lobe : බියලී

lobe : කොළයක බෙදුණු කොටස

lobe : පෙනහල්ලේ එක් කොටසක්

lobe : පෙත්ත

lobe definition


  1. Any projection or division, especially one of a somewhat rounded form
  2. A rounded projection or division of a leaf.
  3. A membranous flap on the sides of the toes of certain birds, as the coot.
  4. A round projecting part of an organ, as of the liver, lungs, brain, etc. See Illust. of Brain.
  5. The projecting part of a cam wheel or of a non-circular gear wheel.