
Sinhala Dictionary definitions for livery

livery 🔊 /lɪˈvɚi/

livery : රත්පිත් ගාය ඇති

livery : ඇතැම් වෙළඳ ශ්‍රේණිවල සාමාකයන්ගේ ඇඳුම

livery : බුත්තිය බාරදීම

livery : ඉක්මණින් තරහ යන

livery definition


  1. The act of delivering possession of lands or tenements.
  2. The writ by which possession is obtained.
  3. Release from wardship; deliverance.
  4. That which is delivered out statedly or formally, as clothing, food, etc.
  5. The uniform clothing issued by feudal superiors to their retainers and serving as a badge when in military service.
  6. The peculiar dress by which the servants of a nobleman or gentleman are distinguished; as, a claret-colored livery.
  7. Hence, also, the peculiar dress or garb appropriated by any association or body of persons to their own use; as, the livery of the London tradesmen, of a priest, of a charity school, etc.; also, the whole body or company of persons wearing such a garb, and entitled to the privileges of the association; as, the whole livery of London.
  8. Hence, any characteristic dress or outward appearance.
  9. An allowance of food statedly given out; a ration, as to a family, to servants, to horses, etc.
  10. The feeding, stabling, and care of horses for compensation; boarding; as, to keep one's horses at livery.
  11. The keeping of horses in readiness to be hired temporarily for riding or driving; the state of being so kept.
  12. A low grade of wool.

Transitive verb. To clothe in, or as in, livery.