
Sinhala Dictionary definitions for join

join 🔊 /ʤɔjˈn/

join : යාකරනවා

join : ආඳනවා

join : ආඳිනවා

join : ගැටලනවා

join : ගළතනවා

join : එකතු කරනවා

join : එක්වෙනවා

join : බැඳෙනවා

join : බද්ධ කරනවා

join : සන්දි කරනවා

join : ගැළපෙනවා

join : දවුඩනවා

join : බඳිනවා

join : ගළපනවා

join : ඈඳනවා

join : සන්ධි කරනවා

join : යා කරනවා

join : ගැට ගසනවා

join : යෝගය

join : එකතු වෙනවා

join : ගලතනවා

join : යාවතිබෙනවා

join : සන්ධි වෙන

join : පුරුද්දනවා

join definition

Transitive verb.

  1. To bring together, literally or figuratively; to place in contact; to connect; to couple; to unite; to combine; to associate; to add; to append.
  2. To associate one's self to; to be or become connected with; to league one's self with; to unite with; as, to join a party; to join the church.
  3. To unite in marriage.
  4. To enjoin upon; to command.
  5. To accept, or engage in, as a contest; as, to join encounter, battle, issue.

Intransitive verb. To be contiguous, close, or in contact; to come together; to unite; to mingle; to form a union; as, the hones of the skull join; two rivers join.

Noun. The line joining two points; the point common to two intersecting lines.