
Sinhala Dictionary definitions for jilt

jilt 🔊 /ʤɪˈlt/

jilt : චපලයා

jilt : විවාහබස් දී පසුව රවටන ස්ත්‍රී

jilt : චපලාව

jilt : විවාහබස් දී පසුව රවටන පුරුෂයා

jilt : චපල

jilt : අත්හරිනවා

jilt definition

Noun. A woman who capriciously deceives her lover; a coquette; a flirt.

Transitive verb. To cast off capriciously or unfeeling, as a lover; to deceive in love.

Intransitive verb. To play the jilt; to practice deception in love; to discard lovers capriciously.