
Sinhala Dictionary definitions for ideal

ideal 🔊 /ajdiˈl/

ideal : පරමාධ්‍යාශය

ideal : අභීෂ්ටය

ideal : කල්පිත

ideal : පරුෂාර්ථය

ideal : පරිපූර්ණ

ideal : පරමාදර්ශී

ideal : උත්කෘෂ්ට

ideal : පරමාදර්ශය පුරුෂාර්ථය

ideal : පරමාදර්ශය

ideal : පුරුෂාර්ථය

ideal : පරමාදර්ශ

ideal : කාල්පනික

ideal : ආදර්ශය

ideal definition


  1. Existing in idea or thought; conceptional; intellectual; mental; as, ideal knowledge.
  2. Reaching an imaginary standard of excellence; fit for a model; faultless; as, ideal beauty.
  3. Existing in fancy or imagination only; visionary; unreal.
  4. Teaching the doctrine of idealism; as, the ideal theory or philosophy.
  5. Imaginary.

Noun. A mental conception regarded as a standard of perfection; a model of excellence, beauty, etc.