
Sinhala Dictionary definitions for hint

hint 🔊 /hɪˈnt/

hint : සංඥාව

hint : අඟවනවා

hint : ඉඟි අරුත

hint : සිහිකරවනවා

hint : යන්තමින් ඇඟවීම

hint : ඉඟිය

hint definition

Transitive verb. To bring to mind by a slight mention or remote allusion; to suggest in an indirect manner; as, to hint a suspicion.

Intransitive verb. To make an indirect reference, suggestion, or allusion; to allude vaguely to something.

Noun. A remote allusion; slight mention; intimation; insinuation; a suggestion or reminder, without a full declaration or explanation; also, an occasion or motive.