
Sinhala Dictionary definitions for gift

gift 🔊 /gɪˈft/

gift : අවමන් කරනවා

gift : සමච්චල් කරනවා

gift : උපහාසය

gift : තුටු පඬුර=අවඥාව

gift : තෑගි වශයෙන් දෙනවා

gift : ඔච්චම

gift : ත්‍යාගය

gift : තිළිණය

gift : කුසලතාව

gift : තෑග්ග

gift definition

Transitive verb.

  1. Anything given; anything voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation; a present; an offering.
  2. The act, right, or power of giving or bestowing; as, the office is in the gift of the President.
  3. A bribe; anything given to corrupt.
  4. Some quality or endowment given to man by God; a preeminent and special talent or aptitude; power; faculty; as, the gift of wit; a gift for speaking.
  5. A voluntary transfer of real or personal property, without any consideratioNoun. It can be perfected only by deed, or in case of personal property, by an actual delivery of possession.
  6. To endow with some power or faculty.