
Sinhala Dictionary definitions for distinct

distinct 🔊 /dɪstɪˈŋkt/

distinct : ප්‍රභේද්‍යු

distinct : උත්කර්ෂවත්

distinct : ප්‍රභින්න

distinct : පැහැදිලි

distinct : වෙන් වෙන්ව පවත්නා

distinct : ප්‍රත්‍යක්ෂ

distinct : ස්පෂ්ට

distinct : විශේෂ්‍ය

distinct : වෙනස්

distinct definition


  1. Distinguished; having the difference marked; separated by a visible sign; marked out; specified.
  2. Marked; variegated.
  3. Separate in place; not conjunct; not united by growth or otherwise; -- with from.
  4. Not identical; different; individual.
  5. So separated as not to be confounded with any other thing; not liable to be misunderstood; not confused; well-defined; clear; as, we have a distinct or indistinct view of a prospect.

Transitive verb. To distinguish.