
Sinhala Dictionary definitions for deny

deny 🔊 /dɪnajˈ/

deny : ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කරනවා

deny : අපලාපනය කරනවා

deny : ප්‍රතිෂේධනය කරනවා

deny : තහනම් කරනවා

deny definition

Transitive verb.

  1. To declare not to be true; to gainsay; to contradict; -- opposed to affirm, allow, or admit.
  2. To refuse (to do something or to accept something); to reject; to decline; to renounce.
  3. To refuse to grant; to withhold; to refuse to gratify or yield to; as, to deny a request.
  4. To disclaim connection with, responsibility for, and the like; to refuse to acknowledge; to disown; to abjure; to disavow.

Intransitive verb. To answer in /// negative; to declare an assertion not to be true.