
Sinhala Dictionary definitions for curve

curve 🔊 /kɚˈv/

curve : චක්‍රය

curve : නමනවා

curve : වක් වෙනවා

curve : නැම්ම

curve : වක්‍ර

curve : වක්‍රය

curve : වක්‍රවෙනවා

curve : වකය

curve : නැමෙනවා

curve : වක්‍ර වෙනවා

curve : ඇද කරනවා

curve : වක

curve : චක්‍රරේඛාව

curve : හැරෙනවා

curve : වංගුව

curve : සුළිය

curve definition


  1. Bent without angles; crooked; curved; as, a curve line; a curve surface.
  2. A bending without angles; that which is bent; a flexure; as, a curve in a railway or canal.
  3. A line described according to some low, and having no finite portion of it a straight line.
  4. To bend; to crook; as, to curve a line; to curve a pipe; to cause to swerve from a straight course; as, to curve a ball in pitching it.

Intransitive verb. To bend or turn gradually from a given direction; as, the road curves to the right.