
Sinhala Dictionary definitions for chew

chew 🔊 /ʧuˈ/

chew : හැපීම

chew : සපනවා

chew : හපය

chew : විට

chew : හපනවා

chew : විකා කනවා

chew : විකනවා

chew : ප්‍රත්‍යවේක්ෂා කරනවා

chew : විකීම

chew : සැපෙනවා

chew definition

Transitive verb.

  1. To bite and grind with the teeth; to masticate.
  2. To ruminate mentally; to meditate on.

Intransitive verb. To perform the action of biting and grinding with the teeth; to ruminate; to meditate.

Noun. That which is chewed; that which is held in the mouth at once; a cud.