
Sinhala Dictionary definitions for boast

boast 🔊 /bowˈst/

boast : කට කියවනවා

boast : පුප්පනවා

boast : කටපුච්චම්

boast : හපන්කම් කියනවා

boast : කට මැත

boast : ආඩම්බර වශයෙන් කියනවා

boast : කයිය

boast : දළ හැඩගැන්වීම

boast : පාරට්ටුව

boast : ආත්මවර්ණනාව

boast : පහන්කම් කීම

boast : පාරට්ටුකරන තැනැත්තා

boast definition

Intransitive verb.

  1. To vaunt one's self; to brag; to say or tell things which are intended to give others a high opinion of one's self or of things belonging to one's self; as, to boast of one's exploits courage, descent, wealth.
  2. To speak in exulting language of another; to glory; to exult.

Transitive verb.

  1. To display in ostentatious language; to speak of with pride, vanity, or exultation, with a view to self-commendation; to extol.
  2. To display vaingloriously.
  3. To possess or have; as, to boast a name.
  4. To dress, as a stone, with a broad chisel.
  5. To shape roughly as a preparation for the finer work to follow; to cut to the general form required.


  1. Act of boasting; vaunting or bragging.
  2. The cause of boasting; occasion of pride or exultation, -- sometimes of laudable pride or exultation.