
Sinhala Dictionary definitions for awake

awake 🔊 /ʌwejˈk/

awake : පිබිදෙනවා

awake : පිබිදි

awake : පිබිද සිටින

awake : ප්‍රබුද්ධ

awake : අවදි වූ

awake : අවදි කරනවා

awake : අවදි වෙනවා

awake : අවදි

awake : ජාගර

awake : පුබුදු කරනවා

awake : ඇහැ ඇරෙනවා

awake : පුබුදිනවා

awake : සීසන් ඇති

awake : පරීක්ෂාකාරී

English Verbs with Sinhala meanings

PresentPastPast ParticipleGerundSinhala Meaning

awake definition

Transitive verb.

  1. To rouse from sleep; to wake; to awaken.
  2. To rouse from a state resembling sleep, as from death, stupidity., or inaction; to put into action; to give new life to; to stir up; as, to awake the dead; to awake the dormant faculties.

Intransitive verb. To cease to sleep; to come out of a state of natural sleep; and, figuratively, out of a state resembling sleep, as inaction or death.

Adjective. Not sleeping or lethargic; roused from sleep; in a state of vigilance or action.