
Sinhala Dictionary definitions for annul

annul 🔊 /æˈnʌl/

annul : ශුන්‍ය කරනවා

annul : ශූන්‍ය කරනවා

annul : අභිශුන්‍ය

annul : අවලංගු කරනවා

annul : නිෂ්ප්‍රභ කරනවා

English Verbs with Sinhala meanings

PresentPastPast ParticipleGerundSinhala Meaning

annul definition


  1. To reduce to nothing; to obliterate.
  2. To make void or of no effect; to nullify; to abolish; to do away with; -- used appropriately of laws, decrees, edicts, decisions of courts, or other established rules, permanent usages, and the like, which are made void by component authority.